WALTHAM – A Waltham cop and a Public Matrix laborer were struck and killed by a pickup truck at a side of the road detail Wednesday evening. Two other Public Lattice laborers were harmed in the accident on Totten Lake Street. The driver then ran away from the area and took a police cruiser at knifepoint, police said.
Peter Simon, 54, of Woodsville, New Hampshire was driving the vehicle that struck and killed 58-year-old Waltham cop Paul Tracey, and a 36-year-old Public Matrix specialist from Cambridge, Middlesex Head prosecutor Marian Ryan said. The name of the Public Lattice specialist has not been delivered.
Ryan said Simon was driving on Totten Lake Street when he headed over to the shoulder and endeavored to turn around. He then, at that point, struck a vehicle that was behind him, went on in the distance and struck the official and the laborer.
Simon's truck then hit two different vehicles before he escaped by walking into an area, Ryan said. There, he experienced another Waltham cop. He supposedly taken out a blade, took the official's cruiser and escaped.
In the wake of driving police on a pursuit, Simon crashed the cruiser on Winter Road and escaped by walking before he was caught.
“Paul Tracey served this incredible city with unique excellence,” Waltham Police Boss Kevin O'Connell said. “He was a caring cop, and consistently paid special attention to the longshot. He was an astounding spouse, a caring dad, and a companion to all.”
Simon is accused of two counts of murder and outfitted burglary. He is supposed to be summoned in Waltham Area Court on Thursday morning. Extra charges are possible.
“Obviously what happened today is an inconceivable misfortune,” Ryan said. “These two men were going about their business at 4 PM when they were killed and crashes like this occur very frequently.”